Welcome to 2021! We are looking forward to welcoming educators, children and families back for the start of the Flinders year.
January at Flinders is a time of change – new families beginning, existing families transitioning to new buildings, and educators finding their feet as they navigate new buildings and relationships. At the beginning of each year, we ask two things from our families; patience, and courage.
Patience, as we navigate a new space with new people. Patience, as we become familiar with you and your family. Patience, as we learn all about your child.
Courage, as you bring your child to a new space with new people. Courage, as you say goodbye bravely and confidently. Courage, knowing that you have made a great choice by bringing your child to Flinders, and that they will be nurtured.
We know how difficult transitions can be for families and children, even when these are cushioned by the stability that looping brings. We are here to provide the support and comfort that you and your child need as we navigate this transition together. For families who are new to Flinders, trust that we will get there, together.
Last year we posted some tips for smoothing the transition for your child, and we share them again below;
- Sharing your positive thoughts about Flinders and the things your child might do
- Being brave
- Taking time to stay and play at pick up time, and making drop offs brief and kind
- Talking about children and educators your child might see during the day and remembering wonderful things they have done together
- Acknowledging your child’s (and your!) feelings; “You are feeling really sad. It’s hard to say goodbye, I will miss you too. You will play with ….. today and I will see you tonight for a big cuddle!”
We encourage you to keep the lines of communication open between your family and the Assistant Director in your House. You can call, email, check in at drop offs and pick ups, or make an appointment. We will work together with you to develop a rhythm that works best for you child.
To our new families – welcome. To our existing families – welcome back.