Flinders University Childcare Centre implements Belonging, Being and Becoming The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). This national framework, along with our Philosophy, form the basis of our learning programs.
The Early Years Learning Framework
The EYLF is the national curriculum document that underpins learning in all early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings across the country, including long day care, family day care, early learning centres and kindergartens. The EYLF was developed as a part of the National Quality Framework, which includes the National Quality Standard (NQS), the legal standard all ECEC settings are rated against.

We are proud to be rated ‘Exceeding’ in all 7 National Quality Standard (NQS) areas. You can find out more about the EYLF in one of our blog posts.
Play-based learning

Play-based learning is central to the EYLF and forms the foundation for all programs at Flinders University Child Care Centre. Learning through play supports children’s engagement, current and emerging understandings, and intrinsic motivation. Our play-based programs are supported by engaged, intentional and qualified educators, who support children’s learning in key areas such as literacy, numeracy and science.
Your child is our priority

All learning is built on positive relationships with children. Trust, compassion and understanding are integral values that enable children to engage in all aspects of the program. Our educators place positive relationships at the centre of their work, using a range of individualised techniques in order to know children well.
Digital learning portfolios are developed and maintained for each child. Portfolios contain snapshots of learning, documented in a variety of ways. Your child’s portfolio may include individual documentation, group documentation, videos, photographs and samples of work. Art portfolios and personal journals are also used, as well as curriculum journals for areas such as gardening, cooking and community adventures.